In case you might have missed Nick-At-Nite’s “Odd Couple On Ice” Marathon this past summer, here’s the transcript from the June 3, 1997 America Online Chat with Jack Klugman and Tony Randall!
NickEmcee: Thanks for joining Nick at Nite Online tonight!
NickEmcee: Jack Klugman & Tony Randall!
NickEmcee: Don’t forget to watch The Odd Couple…
NickEmcee: On ice marathon on Nick at Nite all week long!
OnlineHost: To send your question to the speaker, click on the Interact icon, then use the Ask a Question option.
OnlineHost: Copyright 1997 Nickelodeon; licensed to America Online, Inc.
JACKLUGMAN: I’m excited about everyone still caring about THE ODD COUPLE. And I appreciate it.
Tony Rndll: Hello to the intelligencing world!!!
Tony Rndll: Let us hope your questions are intelligent!
Question: Jack and Tony: What is your favorite job —a part in the movies….or live on stage
Question: (theatre)?
JACKLUGMAN: Live onstage is very much more enjoyable.
JACKLUGMAN: I love to play with the audience for immediate reaction.
JACKLUGMAN: That’s why I loved doing THE ODD COUPLE. We had a live audience there.
JACKLUGMAN: It was just like doing a play.
Tony Rndll: My answer is.. the latter… and, Hello Jack!
Question: what will my son do this summer?
JACKLUGMAN: Get a job!
JACKLUGMAN: Get out of the house and get a job!
JACKLUGMAN: We did one a couple of years ago. And it’s going to be shown again this summer.
Question: Guys, when you started the Odd Couple did you find it hard to follow Walter Matheau and
Question: Jack Lemmon? Jack SWM
JACKLUGMAN: The reason people didn’t see it is because it was on opposite the first time Mrs. Bobbitt
JACKLUGMAN: was on “The Barbara Walters Show” talking about how she cut off his…
JACKLUGMAN: you know what. 😉
Tony Rndll: No problem for me.
JACKLUGMAN: Now you should watch it!
JACKLUGMAN: No, I replaced Walter Mattheau in New York on the stage.
JACKLUGMAN: So, I knew all about THE ODD COUPLE.
Question: How Long have both of you been friends?
JACKLUGMAN: I’ve known Tony since 1956….
JACKLUGMAN: but we started to become friends in 1970.
JACKLUGMAN: And we’re better friends now than we were then.
Tony Rndll: These questions are so trivial… It’s hard to summon a yawn.. we’ve been friends
Tony Rndll: for a LONG time!
Question: Tony Randall, I loved you in those DorisDay/Rock Hudson movies, any good stories from
Question: those films?
Tony Rndll: No.
Question: Who was your favorite guest star?
JACKLUGMAN: Oh, we had so many…
JACKLUGMAN: My favorite was Howard Cossell.
JACKLUGMAN: And we became very good friends.
JACKLUGMAN: Edward Villvla…
JACKLUGMAN: I’m not sure if that’s the correct spelling but…
JACKLUGMAN: he was a great dancer.
JACKLUGMAN: And Monty Hall. Betty White.
JACKLUGMAN: I have too many favorites.
Tony Rndll: These questions are insulting in their banality and boredom… if they don’t have
Tony Rndll: better questions…
Tony Rndll: Maybe they should be watching Star Trek.
[ Top | Middle | Bottom ] Question: Tony, anything you would like to talk about? We would love to hear from you! : )
Tony Rndll: I would like to talk about…
Tony Rndll: the need for a Government subsidy for the arts…
Tony Rndll: I started the National Actor’s theatre…
Tony Rndll: because of the absence of such a thing in the country…
Tony Rndll: In every other country, the intellelectual centerpiece of the country is the theatre…
Tony Rndll: such as in France…
Tony Rndll: If people only understood both the practical and educational value of the arts…
Tony Rndll: They wouldn’t argue about the nationalization of the arts…
Question: Jack, will there be a Quincy reunion?
JACKLUGMAN: I would love to do one.
JACKLUGMAN: But as popular as it is all over the world…
JACKLUGMAN: Universal doesn’t seem interested.
JACKLUGMAN: There are so many stories about injustices that I would like to do.
JACKLUGMAN: Especially about the harmfulness of smoking tobacco.
JACKLUGMAN: There are so many episodes of QUINCY that I am proud of.
JACKLUGMAN: The show on orphan drugs had legislation passed.
JACKLUGMAN: …After I appeared in front of a congressional committee.
JACKLUGMAN: So, that made me very proud.
Question: how did you both really get along? was it fun doing the odd couple together ?
Tony Rndll: Fine.
JACKLUGMAN: It was truly a labor of love.
JACKLUGMAN: We worked hard but we created a great deal and laughed a lot.
JACKLUGMAN: We were fortunate to have three of the best comedy writers in the…
JACKLUGMAN: business.
JACKLUGMAN: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, and Harvey Miller.
Question: Jack do you enjoy horseracing,in real life,as in the show?
JACKLUGMAN: Two hours ago I got home from the race track.
JACKLUGMAN: 4 o’ clock, I got home from the race track.
JACKLUGMAN: I have a couple of two-year olds and a yearling.
JACKLUGMAN: … that I hope will win the Kentucky Derby.
JACKLUGMAN: Because I am not going to die until I win it.
Question: Tony how is the new baby?
Tony Rndll: Fine!!!
JACKLUGMAN: She is beautiful.
JACKLUGMAN: Julia Laurette Randall.
Tony Rndll: The insipidity of these questions is mind boggling!
JACKLUGMAN: She’s georgous!
Tony Rndll: I agree with Jack!
Question: Jack…loved you in the twilight zone episodes, how was it doing those?
JACKLUGMAN: I knew he would agree. ;p)
JACKLUGMAN: Oh, it was a class act!
JACKLUGMAN: Rod Serling was joy to work for.
JACKLUGMAN: …and with.
JACKLUGMAN: Nobody has done more TWILIGHT ZONEs than I.
JACKLUGMAN: Burgess Meredith and I did four a piece. That’s the most.
OnlineHost: To send your question to the speaker, click on the Interact icon, then use the Ask a Question option.
JACKLUGMAN: My favorite was the one with Jonathan Winters.
JACKLUGMAN: A game of pool.
Question: If you were on an island w/ only 3 foods what would you take?
JACKLUGMAN: Pasta, Ice Cream…
JACKLUGMAN: Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.
Question: I found a copy of The Odd Couple Sings…is it worth the $2.00 I paid for it? “You’re So
Question: Vain” is wonderful!! Any plans for another album??
JACKLUGMAN: Tony, you didn’t answer the food question.
JACKLUGMAN: They bought that?!??
Tony Rndll: The food would be breakfast! Orange juice, eggs, sausages (and coffee).
JACKLUGMAN: People wouldn’t even take it for nothing!
JACKLUGMAN: But it’s becoming a collector’s item.
JACKLUGMAN: Because nobody believes that a person with a voice like a loud snore…
JACKLUGMAN: could make an album.
Tony Rndll: Goldenbergs! You must live near a vending machine and a lifetime supply of nickels.
Tony Rndll: And it helps to be from Philadelphia!
Tony Rndll: Which is where Jack is from!
JACKLUGMAN: Nickels?!? The only thing you get for a nickel is a penny!
JACKLUGMAN: Right. You’re right there.
Tony Rndll: He he he!
[ Top | Middle | Bottom ] Question: What do you guys think about the salaries being paid to movie stars today?
JACKLUGMAN: Well… god bless them.
JACKLUGMAN: But, Tony do you realize that the people on SEINFELD will make more…
JACKLUGMAN: in one show than we made in FIVE years.
JACKLUGMAN: And, they deserve whatever they can get.
Tony Rndll: They are not out of line… you must never for a moment confuse what they are
Tony Rndll: doing as anything more than commerce…
Tony Rndll: this is the business… whoever can get the most… deserves it!
JACKLUGMAN: Absolutely!
Question: Mr. Klugman did you like being dirty and messy and a slob on Odd Couple??? or did you
Question: want to be more like felix
JACKLUGMAN: Boy, don’t let Tony hear that question.
JACKLUGMAN: I am messy, not dirty. Just messy.
JACKLUGMAN: If you could see my apartment now…
JACKLUGMAN: you would know why I was so good at playing Oscar.
Tony Rndll: Uh huh!
Question: Did you ever think that “The Odd Couple” would have such a following when you filmed the
Question: first few episodes?
Tony Rndll: No, I didn’t, but Jack did!
Tony Rndll: We never had a good rating while we were on…
Tony Rndll: Jack said that we would come back to win in reruns…
JACKLUGMAN: I knew that with experience that Tony and I had…
Tony Rndll: and he was 100% right!
JACKLUGMAN: plus our three brilliant writers.
JACKLUGMAN: And how hard we worked every single night…
JACKLUGMAN: I knew that it had to be a good show.
JACKLUGMAN: And especially when I heard that live audience laugh so hard.
Question: Do you watch the reruns??? (on Nick at Night)
Tony Rndll: Yes, I do!
Tony Rndll: … but with considerable pain..
JACKLUGMAN: If I remember, not often really.
Tony Rndll: because they are so wildly successful…
Tony Rndll: and so widely watched…
Tony Rndll: and we’re not receiving a penny.
JACKLUGMAN: I didn’t appreciate my voice until I hear it now.
Tony Rndll: Jack: What do you think of my answer?
Question: What kind of input, if any, did Neil Simon have on the television series?
JACKLUGMAN: NONE! He never liked the series until it brought his daughter some…
JACKLUGMAN: recognition.
JACKLUGMAN: While she was in school her friends would see it and tell her the next day…
JACKLUGMAN: how much they liked it.
JACKLUGMAN: But he never cared for it.
JACKLUGMAN: I don’t know why… he thought… “how many clean and dirty jokes are there?”
JACKLUGMAN: He underestimated Tony and me.
Tony Rndll: Jack said it all.
Question: Tony have you met with Newt Gingrich about any NEA funding?
Tony Rndll: No.
Question: Are you surprised at the staying power the show has had over the years? (Even though
Question: comedic styles have changed so much, the Odd Couple remains one of the funniest shows ever….)
JACKLUGMAN: I am pleased and delighted that it lasted this long.
JACKLUGMAN: But we only dealt with classic comedy situations.
JACKLUGMAN: We didn’t take advantage of the new freedoms such as showing your butt…
JACKLUGMAN: or doing an entire show about titilating sex.
JACKLUGMAN: Which was allowed when we started. We were interested only..
JACKLUGMAN: in classical comic situations.
Tony Rndll: Yes… I’m surprised at the success.
Question: Do you feel modern comics go too far?
JACKLUGMAN: I don’t know too far with what?
JACKLUGMAN: I like Paul Reiser.
JACKLUGMAN: I love Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt.
JACKLUGMAN: I think they’re both real and funny.
JACKLUGMAN: That’s my favorite.
Tony Rndll: Um….
Tony Rndll: That’s an interesting question…
Tony Rndll: It’s a question of pride.
Tony Rndll: Any real comic will not take the easy route of “dropping their pants”
JACKLUGMAN: He’s right.
Tony Rndll: Usually it was the lesser comics that did the dirty stuff.
JACKLUGMAN: Not today.
Question: How do you feel about The Odd Couple on Ice Marathon? Do you like the skating big
Question: heads???
JACKLUGMAN: Just to finish the last answer…
JACKLUGMAN: What is dirty? Language? Physicality?
JACKLUGMAN: Everything seems to go today.
JACKLUGMAN: You don’t have to choose the right words anymore.
JACKLUGMAN: Now to answer the next question…
JACKLUGMAN: I don’t know what it’s about!
JACKLUGMAN: I don’t know what the concept means.
JACKLUGMAN: But I would like to have OSCAR’s head for my apartment.
Tony Rndll: I think the heads are awfully clever… I’m not qualified to judge the skating, though.
JACKLUGMAN: What is the symbolism?
JACKLUGMAN: What does the ice have to do with “The Odd Couple”?
Tony Rndll: They explained it to me…
Tony Rndll: But it’s beyond my intellectual capacity!
JACKLUGMAN: They explained it to you?! Explain it to me.
Tony Rndll: It’s impossible.
JACKLUGMAN: Oh, okay. LOL!!!
[ Top | Middle | Bottom ] Question: Lenny Bruce did dirty stuff. Would you consider him a lesser comic?
JACKLUGMAN: NO! He did not do dirty stuff.
JACKLUGMAN: His language was not for sensationlism.
JACKLUGMAN: It was to explain the hypocracy that existed at that time.
JACKLUGMAN: It was not arbitrary.
JACKLUGMAN: What he was trying to explain could not be made clear with the use…
JACKLUGMAN: of any other words.
JACKLUGMAN: Where as today…
JACKLUGMAN: the words are used just to get a reaction.
Tony Rndll: Lenny Bruce was a different case… he was a agent provacateur.. he was deliberately
Tony Rndll: he was challenging the establishment!
Tony Rndll: This was a deliberate use of the most offensive matter he could produce…
Tony Rndll: in order to provoke a response.
Question: If you could have one wish what would it be?
JACKLUGMAN: That my grandchild will be born healthy…
JACKLUGMAN: I’ve been waiting for 5 days.
Tony Rndll: That people would stop killing each other.
Question: If you guys really met on jury duty, then how come the opening statement says “He
Question: appeared at the home of his childhood friend Oscar Madison”?
JACKLUGMAN: Unfortunately we have about four or five shows…t
JACKLUGMAN: that show us meeting in different situations.
JACKLUGMAN: Once he was a dentist in the gangster… or accountant…
JACKLUGMAN: they met in the army.
JACKLUGMAN: We were not true to that.
JACKLUGMAN: It wasn’t a joke.
JACKLUGMAN: If it was convenient to find a way for them to meet, we did it.
Tony Rndll: Foolish consistency is the hob-goblin of little minds.
OnlineHost: To send your question to the speaker, click on the Interact icon, then use the Ask a Question option.
Question: What were some of the funny moments that never made the final cut?
JACKLUGMAN: most of them made the final cut because we didn’t do anything really…
JACKLUGMAN: off-color.
JACKLUGMAN: But there were certain lines that made me laugh…
JACKLUGMAN: so they would be — the camera — would be on somebody else..
JACKLUGMAN: because I couldn’t stop laughing.
JACKLUGMAN: But we didn’t derive any pleasure from doing off-color stuff.
JACKLUGMAN: And that’s whether we were on camera or off.
JACKLUGMAN: We took it very seriously.
Tony Rndll: Whenever Jack would blow a line, I would say…
Tony Rndll: “You stupid S–t”
Tony Rndll: We had a whole reel of those outtakes….
Tony Rndll: we played it at xmas parties, but no one has ever seen it but us!
Question: It was brave of Tony to do “Love Sydney” back then. Any comments on the recent “Ellen”
Question: outing?
JACKLUGMAN: I don’t know why it was such a big deal…
JACKLUGMAN: everybody should be allowed to be what they are.
JACKLUGMAN: There should be no closets anywhere.
JACKLUGMAN: They should be banished.
Tony Rndll: It was a triumph of hype…
Tony Rndll: to think that they got Time magazine and the New York Times…
Tony Rndll: It makes one question…
Tony Rndll: the daring of doing it…
Tony Rndll: we simply DID it on “Love Sydney.”
JACKLUGMAN: LOVE SYDNEY was not appreciated for both it’s humor and it’s
JACKLUGMAN: innovativeness.
Question: What was your favorite episode of The Odd Couple?
JACKLUGMAN: I have a lot of favorites…
JACKLUGMAN: fortunately…
JACKLUGMAN: But my favorite is PASSWORD.
JACKLUGMAN: And strangely enough because Tony was EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT on that…s
JACKLUGMAN: Everybody knows that Lincoln loved mayonnaise.
Tony Rndll: I like all of the shows where Jack and I were just together…
Tony Rndll: that was the joy of acting and the joy of friendship…
Tony Rndll: the pleasure of working with that wonderful man…
Tony Rndll: has never been repeated in my life.
Question: All good things must come to an end : ( Any closing comments from Jack & Tony?
Tony Rndll: I’m very happy with the Ginn Game… the current production of the Actor’s Theatre…
JACKLUGMAN: (it’s a wonderful wonderful show)
JACKLUGMAN: (and Julie Harris should’ve gotten the Tony)
Tony Rndll: Thank you Jack.
JACKLUGMAN: You’re welcome.
JACKLUGMAN: Give Julia and Heather BIG BIG KISSES from Peggy and me.
Tony Rndll: We’re sending them RIGHT BACK!
JACKLUGMAN: I’m glad that THE ODD COUPLE shows fell into the hands of Nick at Nite.
JACKLUGMAN: They really have brought it back to life.
JACKLUGMAN: Thank you Nick at Nite.
NickEmcee: Thanks for joining us tonight!!!!!
NickEmcee: Don’t forget to watch The Odd Couple…On ice marathon on Nick at Nite all week long!
OnlineHost: Copyright 1997 Nick at Nite; licensed to America Online, Inc.
[ Top | Middle | Bottom ]
Chat transcript is copyright © 1997 Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite; and licensed to America Online, Inc.

Chief online influencer of all things Quincy. Currently, I operate as a content creator & editor to The Quincy Examiner – Online Home to the godfather of all today’s forensic detective TV series. When time permits, I run the gauntlet with young and old family members as we surpass this post-COVID pandemic! I follow up with all communication but the social links below are probably the best way to find me quickly! Enjoy the site and come back again soon… that’s doctor’s orders! Be well!